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Cookie Policy

In accordance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of the website is:



Any information regarding the cookies used on this website, as well as the options for their modification or uninstallation are available through the Cookies Policy channel. VLC INSPIRED SLU, hereinafter the owner, may use cookies during access to this website. Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information related to the preferences determined by a user during his visit to a specific web page. This information is recorded in small files that are imperceptibly stored in the corresponding user’s computer equipment.

Each time the user accesses the web page in question again, these files are automatically activated so that the page is configured with the preferences indicated in previous visits.

In short, cookies are physical files of personal information stored in the user’s own terminal and unequivocally associated with this terminal. Cookies cannot read cookie files created by other websites.

The user has the possibility to configure his browser in such a way as to prevent the creation of cookie files or to warn him when this occurs. The website is accessible without the need for the cookie file options to be activated, although it may prevent the correct functioning of security mechanisms for exclusive services or certain services that require greater security. As a general rule, the purpose of the cookie files on the website is to facilitate the user’s navigation.


The user who wants to introduce links from his own web pages to the one of the holder, will have to comply with the conditions that are detailed next without the ignorance of the same ones avoids the responsibilities derived from the Law:

1) The link will only link to the home page or main page but will not be able to reproduce it in any way (in-line links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.).

2) It shall be prohibited in any case, in accordance with the applicable legislation in force at any time, to establish frames of any kind that surround this page or allow the display of the contents through Internet addresses other than those of the same and, in any case, when they are displayed together with content outside it so that:

(I) produces, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in the users about the true origin of the service or content
(II) involves an act of unfair comparison or imitation
(III) it serves to take advantage of the reputation of the trademark and prestige of the holder
(IV) in any other way prohibited by applicable law

3) The page that introduces the link shall not make any false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about the owner, its employees or the activities it carries out.

4) In no case, it will be expressed in the page where the link is located that the owner. has given its consent for the insertion of the same or otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of the sender.

5) The use of any denominative, graphic or mixed brand or any other distinctive mark of the owner, within the page of the sender is prohibited, except in the cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by the owner, and provided that in these cases a direct link to the website of the owner is allowed, in the manner established in this clause.

6) The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the Law and may not in any case provide or link to its own or third party content that:

(i) are unlawful, harmful or contrary to morality and decency (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.)
(ii) induce or could induce in the User the false conception that the owner subscribes to, endorses, supports, adheres to or in any way supports the ideas, manifestations or expressions, licit or illicit, of the sender.
(iii) are inappropriate or irrelevant to the activity of the owner, in view of the place, content and subject matter of the sender’s website.

In any case, the owner reserves the right to prohibit links to its web page and to demand their removal when they do not comply with the conditions required in this section.


The user shall be solely responsible for any infringements that may be incurred or damages that may be caused to third parties by the improper or illegitimate use of the website.

The holder shall not be liable for any damages or losses that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of electronic or computer systems, caused by reasons beyond the company’s control, delays or blockages in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloading of telephone lines, overloading of the Internet system or other electronic systems.

The owner does not guarantee the veracity and is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the contents of its own or provided by third parties that may appear on this website.

You are expressly advised of the need to contact the sales department personally to obtain detailed and updated information on our products and their technical characteristics. Similarly, the owner is not responsible for the contents, products or services that can be viewed through electronic links, directly or indirectly, through the website, except in those cases provided for in Article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI).

In the event that a user considers that there is a linked site with illegal or inappropriate content, he/she must inform the owner, following the procedure established in section 9 of this Legal Notice.

The links do not necessarily represent the existence of a relationship between the owner and the individuals and entities that own the pages to which they provide access nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of the owner with the statements, content or services provided through them.

The owner reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links that appear on its website.

The owner does not know the contents and services of the linked sites and, therefore, is not liable for damages caused by the unlawfulness, quality, unavailability, error and uselessness of the same or for any other damage that is not directly attributable to it.

The owner disclaims liability for the “cookies” that third parties may install on the hard drive of the user’s computer.


For any communication that may be necessary, please send an e-mail to or send a written communication to VLC INSPIRED SLU, CALLE CANTABRIA 5 – ONDA, 12200 – CASTELLÓN ESPAÑA.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

The terms and conditions governing this web site and all relationships that may arise are safeguarded by Spanish law. Any controversy that may arise from the access or use of this web site shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Valencia (Spain).

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