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innovacion-buit valencia

Timelessness and sustainability

We integrate the values of timelessness and sustainability to create a holistic approach that seeks to produce designs and products that last over time and are environmentally friendly. This means thinking about product longevity, design versatility and minimizing the environmental impact at every stage of the process, from conception to final disposal.

We at Buit want to bring back the values of the figure of the artisan in the creation and production of artistic and functional ceramics. We study their ceramic techniques, the handling of clays, molds and specific tools, how they work with the material and how they control the firing process to obtain the desired results. In addition, a sustainable approach is added, using local materials, low environmental impact techniques and avoiding serial production influenced by temporary fashions.

Our productions are made from white clays from the Mediterranean, during a process of semi-artisanal creation, combining elements of craftsmanship with industrial processes, and under a quality control consolidated over time.

This approach seeks to take advantage of the attention to detail and quality inherent in craftsmanship, while allowing for a certain efficiency and scalability inherent in industrial production.

Sincerity of the material

In a nutshell, the figure of the ceramic artisan represents the deep connection with the material and tradition. In the search for purity, we pursue the elimination of superfluous elements that may obscure the true essence of the object, enriching our aesthetic and emotional experience in the process.

That is why the finish of our collections is raw, with the aim of seeking the purity of the material, stripping it of artifice and giving prominence to its composition, volume and shape.

We rescue the nobility of the material, so that together with art and design, our collections become timeless pieces in their purest state and thus experience a sense of connection with nature, with the very essence of the world around us.

Implement art, architecture and design

Through the combination of artistic techniques, architectural principles and innovative design approaches, we achieve surprising results in the creation of ceramic surfaces that go beyond the conventional.

1. Artistic inspiration in design

At Buit we want to bring back the values of the artisan in the creation and production of artistic and functional ceramics. For this reason, we collaborate with artists to create unique patterns and designs that adapt to ceramic tiles. In this first edition, our collections have been the result of CUAL Estudio, a Valencian duo composed of two architects with a strong artistic influence, who have worked on the designs of their works of art collections to adapt them to our ceramic pieces.

2. Textures and architectural relief

We introduce reliefs and textures in ceramic tiles that reflect architectural and natural elements with the aim of experimenting with unconventional forms in the world of ceramics. Innovating in a new three-dimensional concept that elevates the ceramic piece to another spatial level and decontextualizes it from its original use

3. Customized patterns

Our collections have a set of pieces that allow the creation of different patterns to suit a specific space. Organic shapes that when combined together generate different patterns and volumes, exploring the creativity of the prescriber who will be able to create a singular mural design for the project.

4. Collaboration with designers

We work closely with designers to develop concepts that cohesively integrate ceramic tile into the overall design of a space. We choose colors, shapes and patterns that harmonize with the aesthetic vision of the project. We are not looking for an aesthetic but for tiles that evoke the earth, craftsmanship, art and tradition. On this occasion we have relied on the studio of Nacho Timón to generate the development of one of our collections.

5. Technology and digital design

We use computer-aided design tools to create precise patterns and shapes in the ceramics. In this way it becomes an artisanal-digital process where 3D technology allows us to fully customize the product and the design. Our ceramics are made during a semi-artisanal creation process, combining elements of artisanal manufacturing with industrial processes, and under a quality control consolidated over time. This approach seeks to take advantage of the attention to detail and quality inherent in craftsmanship, while allowing for a certain efficiency and scalability inherent in industrial production.

6. Ceramic art installations

We place the ceramic elements as part of an art installation.
The main objective is to be positioned in the market of the prescriber, and specifically in contract and retail, transforming the ceramic tile as a key piece of high value.
Decontextualize the ceramic that leaves its functional use in wet areas and turn it into the protagonist of the main spaces. Functional works of art that manage to go beyond their practical use and move towards an artistic, aesthetic and quality value.

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